A downloadable game

I don't know who wrote this game, there are no credits.

- Repaired a crash on the 3000 series machine when the game was over.
- Added a proper Game Over message
- Suport for Stupid Pet Tricks joystick


source code.asm 939 bytes
leap frog .prg 3.8 kB


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Not bad, but seems like the original programmer didn't finish it.  You only get score for moving, and getting to the top (any part) just starts another frog and gives you an extra life.  I quickly got 9 lives and just kept going until I got bored.
It's a shame, as it's actually mostly there.  It just needed finishing off.  At least you got it working on more models.

Good use of PETSCII graphics! It works on my 4032 with stupid pet tricks joystick