A downloadable game

GridRunner for the Commodore PET - Translated from the Commodore 64 version

- 100% machine language
- 31 intense levels
- Sound effects
- Joystick or Keyboard navigation
- Top 5 high scores ranked
- Works with the Colour PET!
- Source code included
- Zappers start in random position so each game begins differently.
- One file works on all 40 column Commodore PET versions.

This game is distributed for free with thanks to Jeff Minter for making it available.

May 18, 2022 - Now supports Stupid Pet Games joystick controller

May 25, 2022 - Fixed SPT joystick no fire bug (I hope)


source code.asm 62 kB
gridrunner v21.prg 6.4 kB


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(1 edit)

I tried the games with the joystick - it works if I use the "a" key as fire. Then I can use the joystick to move around. However, the fire button on the joystick does not work, I still need to use "a" to fire.

In the source I see that the joystick fire button is not used. In the joystick configuration used (which is PET dual joysticks), fire means up and down pressed at the same time - i.e. bits 0 and 1 cleared on the userport at the same time.

It would be awesome if you could add that!


Hey this looks interesting!

I am using Vice emulator. Pressed 1 and reached high score screen. Then no matter what I pressed number or space bar, nothing happens, cannot get the game to run. Checked settings Enabled Keyset Joystick.

Very nice!  Game runs great on my 4032.   Any chance of adding support for the Stupid Pet Tricks joystick adapter?   Here's the details to support it: check user port $E84F : Up (bit 3), Down (bit 4), Right (bit 2), Left (bit 1), Fire (bit 6)

It's already in the works. I thought it would work as is, as it does have a joy routine. Expect news shortly...

Awesome! I already modified my copy, but looking forward to seeing what you  come up with.. :D


Now available to download!